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How to Install Chromium in Ubuntu

Q. What is Chromium?
A. Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. The Chromium codebase is the basis for Google’s Chrome browser.

Q. Are there native Linux and Mac versions of Chromium available?
A. Not yet. Google has announced plans to support native Mac and Linux versions of Chromium, but they have yet to be released. CrossOver Chromium, however, runs the Windows version of Chromium natively on both Mac and Linux.

Q. Should I run CrossOver Chromium as my main browser?
A. Absolutely not! This is just a proof of concept, for fun, and to showcase what Wine can do. Chromium itself is just beginning. As the Chromium project progresses, they will be providing more compelling support for Mac OS and Linux, particularly with process security and memory management. Those future versions from Chromium will be better suited for daily use than this version.

Q. How was CrossOver Chromium developed?
A. CrossOver Chromium was developed using CodeWeavers’ Wine development expertise.

Q. Does Crossover Chromium update itself with security fixes like Google Chrome does?
A. No, Chromium itself doesn’t have an autoupdater; that’s one of the difference between the open source Chromium and Google Chrome.

Q. Which build of Chromium is included in Crossover Chromium?
A. Crossover Chromium contains Developer Build 21 of Chromium, downloaded from http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/archives/chromium.tgz .

Q. What is Wine?
A. Wine is an open source technology allowing Windows executables to be run as-if-natively on Intel-based Unix operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS X.

Q. Why Did CodeWeavers Develop CrossOver Chromium?

A. CrossOver Chromium is a technology proof-of-concept to demonstrate Wine’s capabilities for rapidly migrating Windows software to new marketplaces, such as Linux and Mac.

Q. How do I install CrossOver Chromium on my System?

A. CrossOver Chromium is available as a native Mac .dmg file, or as Linux packages. Mac users can simply drag the .dmg file into their Applications folder. Linux users should use the appropriate tools for their respective Linux distributions to unpack the installer package.

Read More at Main Website

$ wget http://media.codeweavers.com/pub/crossover/chromium/cxchromium_0.9.0-1_i386.deb

$ sudo dpkg -i cxchromium_0.9.0-1_i386.deb

    • Ross West
      Jan 13, 2018 at 5:21 AM / Reply

      This is an awesome article. I used Ubuntu and now, I am going to install Google Chromium with the help of your instruction.

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