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Linux System Admin


Guide how to Install yum On RHEL 4

1. Download yum by using wget # wget http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/download/2.0/yum-2.0.8-1.noarch.rpm 2. Install the rpm # rpm -ivh yum-2.0.8-1.noarch.rpm 3. Configure /etc/yum.conf to use compatible repository [main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum debuglevel=2 logfile=/var/log/yum.log pkgpolicy...

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Install Apache and Enable mod_rewrite Ubuntu Linux

The Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to simply as Apache IPA: /əˈpætʃi/, is a web server notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web and in 2009 became the first web server to surpass the 100 million web site milestone. Apache was the first viable alternative ...

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Linux: Find Files Containing Text

Because of our being forgetful in nature, we oftentimes forget the files that we have created. We can only be fortunate if we can still remember the path, folder, or directory where we have stored those missing files. If that's the case, it would never be a big deal then. However, trully this a big ...

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