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Popularity Plugin for WordPress SQL Error

Table 'MYSQL_TABLE NAME.wp_ak_popularity_options' doesn't exist on line: ( line number ) did you get this error after you install popularity plugin of wordpress? read this guide "fix it yourself" go to PHPMYADMIN go to SQL Tab paste this: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_ak_popularity ( post_id int(...

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How To Install Squid on CentOS / RHEL 5

Install Squid on CentOS / RHEL 5 $ yum install squid Prompt: Install ( x ) Package(s) Total download size: ( x ) M Is this ok [y/N]: Answer y then hit Enter Key Installing: squid ######################### [1/1] Installed: squid.i386 2.5.STABLE14 Complete! Squid Basic Configuration Squid con...

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Adding new users to MySQL Databases

# # Connect to the local database server as user root # You will be prompted for a password. # mysql -h localhost -u root -p # # Now we see the 'mysql>' prompt and we can run # the following to create a new database for xmodx. # mysql> create database xmodxdb; # # Now we create the user xmodx and...

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Install Apache and Enable mod_rewrite Ubuntu Linux

The Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to simply as Apache IPA: /əˈpætʃi/, is a web server notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web and in 2009 became the first web server to surpass the 100 million web site milestone. Apache was the first viable alternative ...

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How to migrate Joomla

Below are the main variables you need to adjust when you migrate your joomla to another host this can be found here: public_html/configuration.php $mosConfig_host = 'some.host.com'; $mosConfig_user = 'some_db_user'; $mosConfig_password = 'some_db_password'; $mosConfig_db = 'some_db_user'; $mosConfi...

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Guide how to install Counter strike Server Under Linux

Installing the server Once logged in, do not start x-windows, rather stay in the command line interface (hereafter referred to as the CLI). If your Linux box automatically starts x-windows don't worry... when it starts up, just click on the Terminal Emulation icon you may have it on your taskbar o...

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